The Most Secure Types of Garage Doors

Security is still one of the most requested features when anyone is looking for a replacement garage door. We live in an age unfortunately where police resources are inadequate and people understand more that the prevention of a casual break in to their home or garage needs more attention than before. Any weakness in your perimeter fencing, windows or doors is an opportunity more likely to be taken up than ever before.

There are many claims about security but in most cases it is still pure common sense which shows the best types of garage doors to give the longest resistance to any kind of attempted break in. To prevent the very casual thief then the most obvious advice is to keep your garage door closed and locked as much as possible. In light of this a remote control automatic door is always more likely to be kept closed because it is so easy to do so by simply pressing a button or putting in a code as well as other control devices. Indeed many modern remote control operators now offer the function of auto closing with adjustable time settings so you never have to actually remember if you have or haven't closed the door as it will close itself.

Another great new function available from a few of the largest specialist manufacturers are smart phone apps which give you control of your garage door from remote locations with 2 way transmission of data to enable the door to tell you it is closed, open or half way. All great is you like that sort of technology but many people do not, so what are the best garage doors for security in manual or automatic specifications?

Secured by Design

A good quality double skinned aluminium roller garage door can be very secure. Something like the SWS Seceuroglide Excel offers a level 1 'secured by design' rating with a certification recognised by the LPCB. The standard SeceuroGlide Classic door is already a very secure roller door with its patented device to hold the roller door curtain firmly down when closed unlike most others but other features such as the webbing used to keep the curtain slats together also makes breaking through the curtain a lot harder than standard roller doors. The quality and strength of the side channels is another factor along with the control board for the remote control system also having the latest technology to foil attempts at operation without the original transmitters. The Securoglide Excel has enhanced sections where forced attempts would be made and as a total package this has enabled the door to gain the security rating it has and all for around £100 more than the standard door!!

The double skinned sectional overhead door is another great example of a garage door which has excellent security simply by the design of the door panels and the way the door operates with a minimum of 5 heavy duty roller either side, encapsulated into steel channels. The fact the sectional door is usually installed behind the brickwork opening means that all the potential places for forcing are not accessible and combined with an electric operator and no manual handle set this can be a very difficult door indeed to even begin to work out how to break through. Security ratings again are possible with for example the Hormann LPU 42 range when fitted with the Hormann BI Secur electric operator systems.

Side hinged garage doors are a type of door The Garage Door Centre has seen a resurgence in demand for over the last few years. The convenience of easy operation and easy access through one of the doors as a pedestrian, along with the lack of internal mechanism required is the biggest attraction for most. However the latest models of double skinned steel insulated side hinged doors offer great levels of security with optional security packages available to make forced entry almost impossible. Look to the Carteck, Ryterna and Hormann Steel double skinned side hinged doors for this kind of door. Good, solid panels offering the security but also higher levels of weather protection and some insulation for your garage too.

Several specialist garage doors are available for those looking for security, doors such as the Delta Overlap with its integral locking mechanism and strong panel design. The Garador steel up and over 'Guardian' doors offer a level 1 rating for security with enhanced steel struts on the door panel and steel plates protecting key point of attack.
Silvelox, an Italian manufacturer of counter balance operated up and over doors offer a security rating which basically steel plates the already very thick door panel to gain a high level certification of security albeit a European standard.

To conclude if you do have an older type up and over garage door or even old side hinged door the chances are the effort required to break in will be minimal. The oldest types of steel up and over doors have terrible locking facilities for a start but the panel design also means it is very easy to peel them open like a can of beans and even quite quietly too. Although you can add some security devices as an after market purchase many of them are simply like putting a padlock on a paper bag. The basic product itself having no strength will not be enhanced by locking it in one point only.

The Garage Door Centre also offers a wide range of steel security pedestrian doors to go along with the garage door, either for the actual garage itself or to secure access between the garage and you home. We also offer a full and comprehensive range of security grilles and shutters alongside out sister company Samson Doors. All these products are on display at our 2 showroom facility in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire.

For expert advice on garage door security please e-mail or call us direct on 01933 229135.

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