Hormann Entrance Doors Explained in Brief

What are the main differences between the Thermopro steel doors and the aluminium doors from Hormann?

Hormann entered the UK with their garage doors over 25 years ago now and grew from strength to strength off the back of producing such high quality steel doors. They introduced their German built front entrance door range to the UK only about 3-4 years ago and have been well established in Germany and Europe with these doors. The decision to supply the doors to the UK was not taken lightly as the doors were perceived perhaps as a bit too expensive for our market. How wrong we find this assumption to be as the demand for a high quality entrance door is very real with a desire for high levels of security and insulation top of the list.

The entrance door to your home says so much about your home and in most households it will be used several times a day. A good solid, reassuring, but healthy clunk as the door engages the multi point locking, and a real feel of solid and secure protection against the weather outside is always a pleasant feeling. A Hormann entrance door will always provide this reassuring feeling and make you quite glad you didn't just buy the door based on price alone.

But what are the differences between the 2 ranges offered as some of them look very similar?

Hormann offer 2 main entrance door ranges in the UK - The Thermopro steel door range and the more expensive aluminium range often referred to as the TOP range.

The Thermopro steel doors are fantastic value for money considering the specification of most of the various models. High quality, highly insulated and sealed, high security entrance doors in some very stylish designs with stainless steel furniture and models with triple glazed sections inserted. The doors have 5 point locking as standard and an option to upgrade to 'Secured by design' specification. The door designs as shown can be ordered in standard or purpose made sizes with standard or purpose made side lights to install one or both sides of the main door. The doors have an aluminium frame in 2 styles for 2 very different looks. The door and side lights can be supplied in one of 10 standard colours or one of 4 tough 'Decograin' woodgrain laminate foil finishes. The handles, glazing sections and locking cannot be changed on most of the models and is as supplied, however this will be a higher specification than the majority of doors you have ever seen in the UK. More recently Hormann introduced the Thermopro PLUS range and these are thicker versions of the standard 46mm range offering 65mm of door panel thickness for better insulation and a very firm feel when closed.

The TOP Aluminium range is a far more complicated range with the majority of designs having 3 options for the way they are built - TOP Comfort, TOP Prestige and TOP Prestige PLUS are the 3 choices with very clear differences between the visual appearance and the specification in their basic form. The principal of the TOP range is to be able to build an entrance door from the very ground upwards to the specification you want - Colour, glazing, locking, frame colour, handles and other details can all be changed as required.

All the doors are made to order and expect a 9 week delivery as these doors are never rushed and in demand! Expect options such as finger readers for unlocking, automatic locking, remote control locking, over 30 different glass options, glass handles and so on. These are entrance doors to really impress and enjoy using, doors for the modern home and doors to tick all the green boxes with their incredible U values. The side light options are also endless and offer far larger sizes than the Thermopro with incredible options for glazing types, special etching, transoms with hinged opening, special colours, and so on.


The Thermopro doors are very special but the TOP doors can be out of this world. Take a look at any of the Hormann entrance doors if you need a new front door and also be aware there may well be a matching garage door that compliments it if you are renovating completely. Remember - 'The enjoyment of the quality remains long after concerns about the price are forgotten'

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